The Finishing Touches

Busy Beaver was about to go out, with a gift for a friend, when Flossie spotted him.
“Are you going to wrap that gift nicely?” she asked. “It could do with some bright paper around it, and a ribbon.”
There was a mumble in the corner of the room from Best Badger. “I don’t do ribbons” he said. “but I can cut the paper with my sharp claws.”
Message Magpie flew in. “Ribbons” he exclaimed. “I can tie them with my superb beak. Are they blue ribbons?” he added hopefully.
“I can help you stick and tie” Flossie told Busy Beaver, “and you can cut the ends with your sharp teeth.”
“Wow!” said Busy Beaver, looking at the beautifully covered gift later. “Thanks everybody, it looks amazing!”
“It’s the finishing touches that do the trick.” said Flossie.